Japan Sports Law Association
Statement on the Spread and Promotion of Sports Law Education
Sports law is a widely recognized legal field that primarily deals with legal issues related to sports. Education and research are conducted in universities and other institutions of higher education, and it is an important part of the education for human resource development and qualification for sport organizations and their coaches.
Furthermore, the spread of sports law education serves as a foundation for sports promotion and policy, and is essential for comprehending human rights, safety, fairness, integrity, anti-doping, and the eradication of violence, as well as for developing a sense of norms.
In reality, however, even in our country alone, various legal problems persist. These issues range from violence, corporal punishment, match-fixing, gambling, illegal accounting of sport organizations, anti-doping rule violations, sexual harassment, and power harassment.
In light of this, the Japan Sports Law Association considers the following important, and has issued a statement on the spread and promotion of sports law education to ensure a rich sports life for all citizens, including athletes and coaches, in the 21st century.
1. The State shall endeavor to spread and promote the study of sports law and its education, as well as to introduce the professional knowledge of sports law into sports policy;
2. The relevant parties shall cooperate to develop an environment in which people who play sports can study sports law;
3. Universities and other institutions of higher education shall introduce sports law education;
4. Sport organizations should actively introduce sports law education for the training of athletes and coaches, coach license, human resource development, etc;
5. Teacher training universities (including faculties and departments) shall make sports law a compulsory subject in the training courses for health and physical education teachers; and
6. The State, local public entities, and other relevant organizations shall appoint persons with a background in sports law to participate in sports policy deliberations and policy decisions.
December 19, 2015
Japan Sports Law Association
Chairperson: Koichiro Mochizuki
PDF: Statement on the Spread and Promotion of Sports Law Education